The long-term value of your home is something you should always have in mind. Ideally, the market value of your home should increase consistently as time goes on. One of the best ways to make sure that this happens is to invest in simple home improvement projects that will boost the worth of your property. Here are four great improvements you can get started with.

Update The Kitchen Backsplash

When it comes to small additions that can create an immediate improvement in the feel and design of a kitchen, it doesn’t get much better than a new backsplash. This is a simple project that can be started and finished quickly while still producing stunning results. Try updating the color of your backsplash with a new coat of paint, or install a new surface altogether. Stainless steel and colorful tile are two options that are always a good bet.

Get A New Front Door

The importance of a home’s front door can’t be overstated, yet it’s one of the most overlooked design elements of a complete living space. If the front door of your home could use a makeover, then you have some exciting options available to you. The easiest and most affordable choice would be to paint your door a new color. Try adding a new door knocker or bell as well for a little extra style.

If you have a steel or fiberglass door, which are both effective but can lack a certain beauty that you may want to see in the entrance to your home, consider upgrading to a wood door. Wood doors can add elegance to your entryway, as well as make your home much more attractive to potential buyers should you choose to sell in the future.

Install Dimmer Switches

Homes that have dimmer switches will attract more attention from prospective buyers than those that still have outdated traditional switches. Installing dimmers will increase the value of your home, provide you with more convenient and highly customizable lighting options and can even save you money on your electricity bill. Dimmer switches can typically be installed in a single day, making this an easy and affordable project.

Get A Portable Island

A portable kitchen island is one of the best things you can add to your home to increase its value in today’s real estate market. Home buyers love these convenient islands that help with organization, save lots of cabinet space and add a unique centerpiece to the overall design of any kitchen. Portable islands are widely available and come in any size and look you could possibly want, so there’s sure to be an option that will complement your existing kitchen design perfectly.

These are just a few of the many easy improvements you can make to your home that will increase its value, as well as make it a more enjoyable living space for you and your loved ones. Whether it’s a DIY project or you choose to hire a local professional contractor, you can’t lose with any of these great additions.

Add a carport or pergola

A carport or pergola is an affordable way to make use of open outdoor space. Unlike heavy brick and mortar materials, pergolas are generally made from colorbond and steel both very affordable materials. Carports also provide curb side appeal with many different options to choose from. Pergolas are an excellent way to add value to your home with many potential buyers looking for that outdoor entertaining area.

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